Friday, 1 February 2013


ESCALERO A CIELO ©Michael O'Brien - Toronto, Ontario
Sometimes I'm drawn to public indoor spaces when I go for walks with my camera here in hometown. The reason could be that for 6 months of the year it can be fairly cold outside....often from November until April it's cool to very cold.

So I like to go walking inside. Shooting inside is another thing - most, if not all, publicly used/private spaces refuse to let photographers do any tripod shooting - often they won't let anyone with a hefty DSLR shoot period. Security can be aggressive. But I take my Canon camera body and put a 28mm lens on it for compactness and many other reasons. 

I love the way the 28mm f1.8 depicts a suits my way of seeing and allows me to get acceptable depth of field at f 2.8 or f4 if I use the hyperfocal distance for my prime focus. This way I can get fairly decent shutter speeds that allow me to hand hold and work quickly. There was security everywhere when I took this shot. But I was able to compose and set my exposure controls out of camera, then just lift the camera and shoot.