Showing posts with label fine art photography. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fine art photography. Show all posts

Friday, 12 February 2016


These private sessions are designed to give people constructive feedback about their photographs. The sessions are custom tailored to the individual and people at any level of photographic experience will benefit. Actually, beginners can save huge amounts of time by getting some guidance and direction for their work early on, while the more experienced can benefit from feedback by someone with a seasoned eye.
During the session we take a look at, and provide feedback on current portfolios/projects. This can involve advice on what to show, how to show it and the best way to sequence your images. We'll look deeply into individual or sequences of photos while offering comments and guidance. We can build a portfolio or series from existing work, finding hidden themes running through your photography. We can also provide solid recommendations for the final look and feel of a portfolio, printing methods and available portfolio building materials such as mat boards, mounting methods and portfolio cases. 

Alternately if you'd rather have suggestions for projects or assignments we can find what will fuel your passion for photography. Message us for more information.

Following are some words written by a client after a session. Shown in it's entirety to give a clear picture of how a review can unfold.

"Michael, that feedback session was a very helpful and stimulating discussion for me. I was feeling pretty lost with my images - happy, but stumbling around without much direction.

"Now I feel like I can see patterns in my work more clearly, and my imagination about where I can take things has been opened up wide. Now there is a direction. I can't wait to get back to work on my stuff....also, I think your suggestion to write about what’s behind my photos is another way of engaging on a deeper level, and of continuing to find the threads running through things.

"I could imagine doing another session some months down the line when I've been able to pursue a few concepts that materialized while you analyzed my photos.

"You definitely have a gift for being gentle and supportive, yet frank and very real.  You are good at helping people find or recognize their vision - I can now see how that works.  You were indeed careful not to close any doors, yet still able to draw attention to what is strongest or most original.

"Thanks so much for the follow up summary with all the informative links you emailed me today - I suspect I could use a bit of guidance when it comes to finishing and presenting my photographs." 

Katharine A.
film industry professional

Saturday, 8 November 2014

Primal Impressions - Kew Beach, Toronto. Ontario

Primal Impressions
Kew Beach, Toronto. Ontario
©Michael G. O'Brien

Monday, 3 November 2014

Sunday, 2 November 2014

Saturday, 1 November 2014

Thursday, 30 October 2014

Primal Impressions - Prince Edward Island, Canada - photo by Michael G.O'Brien

Primal Impressions - made on the beach 
near Dalvay by the Sea, PEI, Canada

Wednesday, 29 October 2014


©Michael G. O'Brien

Originally shot with Fujichrome 100 slide film in 2003 along the coastine of Nova Scotia - the slide was scanned with a Nikon Coolscan 5000 then uploaded to Lightroom

The image was then cropped in Lightroom 5 to put the tree in right third. I also chose a 6x7 aspect ratio to give the image more vertical emphasis to balance the three horizontal stripes made from the natural divisions occurring within the frame. I like the 'thirds' crop tool overlay.

©Michael G. O'Brien

Next we took it from Lightroom into NIK Silver Efex. I chose the Full Dynamic Smooth setting because it produced the right tonal range for this image i.e. with the black point being in the foreground foliage. Then I used Control Points to darken the sky, thus bringing some of the cloud detail out so the sky was not just a white blank, as it appeared to be in Lightroom.

©Michael G. O'Brien

This alternate version I made in NIK Analogue Efex using one of the Toy Camera settings. The blurring and just about every other effect in this picture can be adjusted using the right Control Panel of the program.

Monday, 13 October 2014


allan gardens toronto, beneath the surface, fine art, surrealist photography, michael o'brien
Beneath the Surface a series by Michael G. O'Brien

Click here to view the series

Beneath the Surface is a portfolio of images that explores the mystery that underlies everyday scenes and objects from a point of view other than ‘consensus’ reality. In some cultures what we see with the eye is only a starting point from which many meanings can be brought forward. 

This series proceeds from that simple fact; that a camera points in two directions: towards an inner and an outer reality. It seeks to discover, in the old sense of the word which derives from the Latin dis- and cooperire, meaning 'to remove the covering; completely uncover’. To see what else might exist beneath the surface of what we brush past in our daily lives. 

The ‘Allan Gardens’ part of the series is an ongoing project that I work on during walks in and around a greenhouse located in downtown Toronto. These are ‘straight’ photographs in the sense that, aside from minimal global adjustments, they have not been digitally manipulated.