Showing posts with label night photography. Show all posts
Showing posts with label night photography. Show all posts

Sunday, 10 April 2016


Street photography doesn't have be straight photography - it's opened up to include exploring mystery in all it's forms. Night time on the streets gives us ample opportunity to do this with all the little things that come to the fore in darkness. Like the person who walked through the image below.

Wednesday, 7 January 2015

Night Photography Photo Walk - the urban landscape transformed - Downtown Toronto

night photography, urban landscape photography, street photography

Sometimes the beauty of night photography comes from making images of simple forms that amount to pure seeing, like this image above.

Saturday, 20 December 2014


Using a Lensbaby on a Canon 5D Mark II can be lots of fun - winter time in the city becomes much more interesting. Using a Lensbaby, it was, at first, difficult for me to predict or control the outcome. After 1/2 an hour it became much easier. What I like about using a lens like this is that it requires me to commit to the image that's in camera rather than working it to death in post production. Very good for developing that kind of assurance.

Friday, 21 November 2014

Industrial Landscape at Night - Hamilton, Ontario

Like many other types of photography, night photography has it's own special set of skills, equipment and approaches. Even in urban environments focusing at night can be a challenge as auto focus systems simply can't function past a certain level of darkness. Thus are born the many solutions night photographers have come up with to handle the special environments in which they work.

Hamilton Harbour
Ontario, Canada
©Michael G. O'Brien

This part of Hamilton is all about heavy industry. The trees in the foreground are lit by lights behind the camera's position.

Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
©Michael G. O'Brien

Off Ramp
Hamilton, Ontario
©Michael G. O'Brien

Buddies outside the Bait Shack
Hamilton, Ontario
©Michael G. O'Brien

One of the 'Entrance' buildings to an industrial site
Hamilton, Ontario
©Michael G. O'Brien

Service Station
Hamilton, Ontario
©Michael G. O'Brien

Transition Point
Hamilton, Ont.

The Other Way
Hamilton, Ont.


Dusk at Hamilton Harbour
Hamilton, Ontario
©Michael G. O'Brien